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Black Widdows!

28 June 2009, 19:40

Aahhh! The all mighty respected, and most feared of spiders. Apparently they’re now invading my home, which sucks. Today I found two not even half a foot away from each other. The way I discovered them was when I was in my old room just checking it out and stuff (because we’re going to rent it out) and I was just kicking the carpeting that one of the steps has with my bare foot (well not really bare, I had socks on) when they both popped out what was disturbing their home. Who would of thought that they were unwelcome and I would end up killing them on the spot with a shoe! Luckily for my family and I, an exterminator will be coming soon. MUAHAHAHA! (that was an evil laugh). I would have taken a picture to post up on here but the entire scene was just too gruesome. They weren’t that big. They weren’t that small either… I’m the man. I’m going to go change myself now…

Editor’s Note:
Please tell me that you are only changing clothes because you have been wearing the same clothes for two days, and not because you pissed yourself after seeing them two gruesome spiders.

Mr. Smilie, Staff-Adore (Possible Pothead)



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