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Thriller(n, adj)

27 July 2010, 04:43

A zombie paedophile which can change the colour of its skin from black to white.

Zebobbybird, Editor and Administrator (of pain)


Use this to critisize, judge and insult us


Infucktuation (n)

9 March 2010, 20:32

1. A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction.

2. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.

1. Robert: “Dude, she is my infucktuation!”
2. Robert: “Dude, after we infucktuated, my nads started to itch, does this look like gonorrhea to you?”

Zebobbybird, Editor and Administrator (of pain)


Use this to critisize, judge and insult us


Website © 2009/2010/2011/2012 zebobbybird, mr.smilie, HVG, Primsu and/or Esquil, but mostly zebobbybird.

Also, we promise to stop making jokes about acute lesbianitis, we now recognize that it is a very serious disease.

eNVy Comics and all its content is proudly made in Nevaduhr Nevaderp Nevada!