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The Bullshitters!! season Finale

28 June 2009, 18:57

Today I announce the last Bullshitters!! of the season, with a total of twenty five comics released this year. We will resume the series in August. The second season will have a very different look to it, and i hope that you find it more appealing. In other words, though we are keeping our traditional black and white format, this will be the last comic to be released in the 700w x 200h aspect ratio, because, god this ratio sucks for the new website design.
There are going to be a couple of surprises, including changes in cast and changes in the over all design of the characters, as this design is not appealing at all to many viewers. Also, the upcoming season will have different backgrounds. Well, without Further to do…

Please visit us often, as i will still be updating Teh Designers, and of course, be sure to be here august first, as this will be the season premier of the Bullshitters!!

Also, i know this is contradicting what i previously said, but, we may or may not keep our old “Black and White” style. i am heavily considering full color.

Zebobbybird, Editor and Administrator (of pain)



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Website © 2009/2010/2011/2012 zebobbybird, mr.smilie, HVG, Primsu and/or Esquil, but mostly zebobbybird.

Also, we promise to stop making jokes about acute lesbianitis, we now recognize that it is a very serious disease.

eNVy Comics and all its content is proudly made in Nevaduhr Nevaderp Nevada!