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31 May 2009, 15:37

Well no, not really, but it’s sure as hell close to it! If you don’t know what I’m talking about well then get your head out of your ear and listen up! I recently decided (well zebobbybird did most of it) to start up a new funny! I’m not going to say anything yet but all I’m going to say is that if you’re having problems in your math class, it’s sure to help! And do you know why No? Well that sucks. Because it’s going to be called Maths! With an “s”!!! So it’s kind of plural but it’s not because there are no words in math! Get it? No? Well you can go crawl in a hole and die then… no not really, I was just kidding about that last part…

Au Revoir bitches!

Mr. Smilie, Staff-Adore (Possible Pothead)



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Website © 2009/2010/2011/2012 zebobbybird, mr.smilie, HVG, Primsu and/or Esquil, but mostly zebobbybird.

Also, we promise to stop making jokes about acute lesbianitis, we now recognize that it is a very serious disease.

eNVy Comics and all its content is proudly made in Nevaduhr Nevaderp Nevada!