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Fucking with Twitter!

2 July 2009, 02:08

RIP Jeff Goldblum.
there is no better example on how misinformation and stupidity can screw us over than the examples created on twitter.
This week we saw jeff goldblum’s corpse right before our eyes attack poor old colbert ON TV. now, either one of two things, either:
A) Mr.Smilie was right, and i should have made a zombie plan when i had the chance or
B) Mass conformity, rumors, and misinformation can really fuck us up.

jeff Goldblum was being twatted about all over twitter, claims of his death where created by a man named only John as a prank intended for only two people, friends.
at least thats what john says (and because its blogspot you know its true!)
eventually this prank hit its peak when the Today show in Australia reported him as confirmed dead!
i will now attempt the same prank, but with robert pattinson, aka edward the sexy vampire all the highschool girls want to fuck (instead of me, a real person.) so i have requested a “favor” and under chef joes account (envychefjoe on twitter) there will be a couple of announcements saying that robert pattinson is in deed dead, with links to fake articles! why am I doing this, since i have no friends and therefore, have no one to prank? publicity, fuck, we have no viewers, and guess what we need viewers!

So, good bye Robert, hello hundreds of IPs that i will sell to a chinese spam company viewers!

The cool thing about twitter is that there are so many stupid teenagers that dont know any better, and they will tell a friend, and they tell a friend and so on, until about the sixth time this happens Kevin Bacon reads about it, denies it and everyone ignores him, then its talked about on blogs, tv, etc, and viola, i get hits!

update 13 minutes later
it worked!

Zebobbybird, Editor and Administrator (of pain)



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